Friday, November 23, 2012

Blocking Day

My biggest knitting weak spot is that I hate having to take the time to block the finished item and would happily settle for some other human sewing on the buttons and snaps.

So I tend to leave them sitting till I have a pile, and then have to face a whole bunch at once!

Blocking done for this batch!


Buttons and snaps on at least the two green sweaters tomorrow!  LOL


  1. I know what you mean! For me it is the cutting out of the pieces when I'm making something to sew. I have no problem doing the sewing, or even putting on the snaps and finishings...I just find the cutting out of the fabric beforehand to be a real chore!
    Lovely knitted things by the way!

    1. Thanks!

      Strangely enough, I don't mind cutting things out for sewing in the least...too bad we didn't live in the same place or we could trade! LOL
