Saturday, April 12, 2014

To the river!

I had the day off yesterday.  Since it was sunny, and even warm (spring coat, yay!), I headed out with Claire and Samara to the doll river.

It's a drainage ditch, technically, and quite full with the run-off of all the melted snow, but I really like it for doll pictures.

River Outing 1 of 9

See the bits of green showing here and there? It's pretty great. :)

River Outing 4 of 9

There was a bit of a breeze, but not enough that I needed to worry the dolls would fall over.

River Outing 8 of 9

The tangle of branches by the shore makes for a good place to pose the dolls, I think.

I was tempted to bring Emily as well, but I figured two dolls and my camera were enough when I was climbing on rocks in the middle of the "river."


  1. I love your first sentence :)
    Hurray for short sleeves, hurray for green, hurray for sunshine and warmth!
    I think the ditch is an awesome backdrop -- lucky you for finding a 1/4 scale river!

    1. LOL That's what I get for typing in a hurry! ;)

      We had good weather all weekend, to make up for the fact that it is supposed to rain all this week I expect! I'm always surprised by the odd spots you can find that work well for doll pictures...once you start looking so see good spots everywhere! :)

  2. They are super cute! And the doll river is a great place to take pictures of them....finally springtime is here!

    1. Thanks so much! I am so happy to see Spring weather this year... LOL

  3. I agree, this is the perfect spot for the doll photos as it is so 'in proportion and scale' with their size. It looks just like a real young woman and child walking by a real river! Perfect!
    I'm glad you're finally getting some warmer weather, and that the snow is melting away for another year. I don't know if I could stand the cold for that long...shiver! I love how you have the girls dressed too!

    1. Thanks! I really like the spot. :)

      It seems to have been a day for pink that day - not unusual for Samara but I don't often put Claire in pink. LOL

  4. Great pictures! The place is perfect for a doll photo shoot. It's always nice to click on one of the pictures and to discover your other photos on Flickr, the picture where Samara seems to climb the "rock" is awesome!

    1. It really is a great spot! And thanks! I really like that picture as well...:D

  5. Beautiful! And that is a perfect location. Great photos!

    1. Thanks! It's such a nice spot not only because of the scale, but because very few people seem to know about that path, so it's usually deserted. :D

  6. These are some really lovely photos of your two girls. Wish I was brave enough to take my dolls out like this.

    1. Thanks! I admit I don't take them out if there are other people anywhere about...I look for places with few people, and then pick a time of day when there's not likely to be anyone around. So far it has mostly worked out. :)
