Thursday, October 3, 2013

Waiting for Claire...

Claire's body is still a month or two away from shipping, but I had the opportunity to pick up a couple things for her the other day.

This is my favourite:

A nice cool drink...

I thought about taking a picture of the drink with one of Claire's extra hands, to show the scale, but I already did the floating head of Claire, so I thought I'd use Flake instead.  :D

Isn't that perfect?  I love the bubbles, and the translucence.  I got Claire a mug of coffee and some cheesies to eat as well.  And then there were peanut butter cookies, which I think Emily and the Pukifee will get into this weekend, if time permits.  I have a small visitor  on Saturday, so it is looking pretty busy!  We have plans for A Really Fancy Tea Party, using the tea set my Aunt made for me when I was small. 

It sounds strange to say it, but I kind of like the waiting time for BJDs*.   It gives you time to try making a few things, to carefully choose a couple items for that you are all ready when they arrive.  There's a lovely sense of potential in the waiting period.  Of course, Claire's not really a new doll, it's just that she is getting a body again, so this is the extent of my purchasing!  She already has a wig and a clothes.

Still, I'm thinking of trying Wovenflame's Lariat Minifee Sweater.  It's been on my Want To Make list for ages, and I have the smaller needles I'd need to do it now.  I tend to knit loosely, so I have a terrible time getting below 14 stitches/inch with laceweight yarn.  I really don't want to try something that size with strands of embroidery floss, so I needed smaller needles. And time!  LOL Because it will likely take me quite a while.

Of course, I have another sweater for Claire that is 80% done, and has been sitting there waiting for me to pick up the stitches for the shawl collar for... um.. a while.  Maybe I should finish that one first!

* Mind you, all my patience goes completely out the door the moment I hear the doll has shipped! 


  1. What a cute little glass and an even cuter little imp drinking from it!!! I'm glad you're able to find things for her, it's a real problem finding nice stuff like this here in Spain!! Everything is the wrong scale!!
    I don't mind waiting for BJDs sometimes but I tend to order then try to forget about it. But I admit that I'm like you and I also lose patience once the doll has shipped...that bit often seems the longest part!!!

    1. I actually found the glass on Etsy, here. They are made especially 1/4 scale! :D

      There's something about knowing the doll is almost there, isn't there! LOL

  2. I am always so amazed at the miniture food and drinks people make. They always look so detailed and real!

    Oh I didn't know you had a Soso as well! She looks adorable. Do you mind if I ask where you get wigs for your realpukis from? I can't remember if I've already asked you this or not though. Sorry if I already have! I've been looking for the longest time for wigs for my realpukis and haven't found anything in the year and half I've had them.

    1. I don't know how the miniature food and drink artists do it, but the results are absolutely wonderful!

      1mim, on the Den of Angels marketplace, made Flake's wig and did a lovely job! :D I do not know if she is still doing wigs or not, as this was purchased back in early 2011. At the time I purchased the wig there was a long waiting list, but the resulting wig was worth the wait!
