Saturday, October 12, 2013

Marriage or Cookies?

The Pukifee were playing "Wedding" when Emily brought in some peanutbutter cookies to share.

Maybe all brides are easily distracted by baked goods?

The "Reverend" has already bailed on the wedding with her cookie, and the bride has clearly lost all direction. At least the little train handler is still on the job!

Of course, that could be because she's not convinced these are real cookies.

Suspicious Cookies...


  1. Awww that is soooo sweet! You do take the loveliest photos of your little dolls...they look so realistic! Very nice!

    1. Thank you! I wanted to use those adorable little peanutbutter cookies. :D

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Jordy! The Pukifee's characters pick up bits and pieces of small relatives of mine, but Samara is inspired by the personality of one particular small nephew, so she's a bit my favourite. ;)

  3. This was quite sweet. Those cookies kinda do look real and delicious! Who would have thought cookie trumps wedding huh?

    1. LOL Apparently wedded bliss can wait, cookies can't! ;)
