Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Work In Progress + cat news

 Before I get into talking about my latest sewing project, which may not be of interest to anyone but me, I wanted to make sure those of you who love the BJD cats had heard this bit of news:  They are planning to open a shop with in-stock cats.  That means if you don't want a specific, custom cat, you will be able to order and have it ship out in days, rather than three months!  How awesome is that?  There doesn't seem to be anything about it on their site yet, but it was in their newsletter. :)

On to the project!

So I'm working on creating a pattern for Emily for a yoke dress.  I started with some vintage pattern covers on Pinterest for inspiration, plus an old dress I had when I was very small, and brainstormed:

Once I got the ideas on paper, I started trying out pattern shapes, testing the paper versions against Emily.

The next step after that, of course, is the muslin. This is my first time trying something with a yoke, so  the "armholes mostly in the skirt" thing was hard to wrap my brain around at first.

I tried two different sleeves on the prototype, but neither is quite right yet. I have a third version, which is somewhere in the middle of these two, ready to try out next weekend.

Doing something like this is never a fast process for me, but it is an enjoyable one! :)

Once I have a basic fitting version in muslin, I'll go back and add a seam allowance at the neckline, clean up a few things, and then I get to make Emily a dress using some of the pretty fabric!


  1. Instant cats on demand?! I'm doomed...

    And I'm always interested in what you're making, process and all!

    1. It's like the best news and completely terrible news, isn't it... LOL

  2. Great news on the cats!
    As for the dress, I'm really impressed at how carefully you're planning it....you work very differently from me, and I wish I could be more 'organised' like you're being. I tend to make the pattern up in paper, then make it up in fabric, then PANIC and curse when it's wrong!! The next step for me is then I start adapting the material version, so forgetting that the paper pattern hasn't been adapted. I get the dress finished, then when I later make another using the 'unadapted' paper pattern.....I get really angry with myself when I remember that I'm not using the correct paper pattern again!!! And so off we go again...more cursing!!! LOL!
    I look forward to seeing your final version, I'm sure it'll be beautifully made and gorgeous on Emily!!

    1. LOL I have to be organized, for the sake of limiting my mistakes..... the number of times I've used up "nicer" fabric on something that didn't work out!

      I can sympathize with the getting angry at yourself for using the unadapted pattern - one time I accidentally used the old pattern, and so re-did the outfit with all the mistakes I'd just fixed! Argh.

  3. Dang. Your. Are. Amazing. I can't sew to save my life!!! Every time I end up making the weirdest thing you've ever seen and my mom is like, "um...What the heck is that?"
    "Quit judging me!!!!!!"

    1. LOL It took me a lot of practice to even get this far; I don't have any natural talent for it. If I had pictures of my early attempts, they match your description pretty well! ;)

  4. As far as cats are concerned, I have already five "real" poor little cats that my children have persuaded me to adopt ...perhaps I can use them for the photos. They don't really like dolls but they love to play with wool !
    I really admire the way you design your dress ... It seems really nice, looking forward to see it finished.

    1. LOL Real cats work very well! Mine always walk away when I want to take a picture of them...but go to take a picture of the dolls, and there they are!

      Do yours try to steal your knitting, too?

    2. Yes ! It sounds familiar to me ! The three kitten try to play with wool ... the old other ones just stay watching me and they must think "why human spend so much time playing with knitting needles !". But you are right the difficulty lies in taking photos when you and not the cat have decided to take it ! Looking forward to see the photos you are going to take with your future bjd cats ... it can be really nice !

  5. That is looking great! I have only tried to make my own pattern once and that was for a Planetdoll Mini girl. It was a bit of a nightmare.

    1. Thanks! It takes me a very long time to get to the part where I have a useable outfit... LOL
