Sunday, April 20, 2014

Not Even Easter Is Boring

Emily showed the Pukifee how to "hop like bunnies" yesterday, and they have been largely hopping since!

Samara seems to have decided to teach Bunny how to Hop as well:

Happy Easter 1 of 5

I don't think Bunny "gets" it.

Happy Easter 3 of 5

But Edith obviously thinks the endeavor is quite interesting!

But then apparently a Bear broke into the place, and snuck up to say "RAWR" very loudly...

Happy Easter 4 of 5

Fortunately Edith is not indimidated by bears in any way. ;)

Happy Easter 5 of 5

Happy Easter, everyone! :)


  1. That last photo is too cute - I love the cat's pose!

    And happy Easter! :)

    1. Thanks very much! Edith is a pretty laid-back cat; not too much bothers her! LOL

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for the kind words! :) Hope you enjoyed your Easter. :)

  3. Awww what a cute bunch of photos, so sweet! And hopping all weekend, my goodness, they'll sleep well tonight! ;)
    Love the cat on top of the little 'bear'!!!
    Happy Easter Lynn, hope you have a lovely day! xxx

    1. Sometimes I think the entire goal of a day with small children is to tire them out so they'll sleep at night. ;) Thanks, and hope you enjoyed your Easter!

  4. What a wonderful story for easter ! So cute and so funny ! Thanks for sharing this and hope you had a nice easter.

    1. Thanks! I hope you enjoyed the day as well. :) We had some lovely, sunny weather here!

  5. Hope you had a great Easter!

    I love how Edith just tackles that bear to the ground. Great shots! I always love seeing your sets.

    1. Thanks, I hope you enjoyed the day as well! :)

      Edith is a lot of fun...and she just didn't find that bear at all alarming. It was probably the giggling. It's hard to be intimidating while giggling... ;)
