Thursday, May 22, 2014


Lilacs are my very favourite flower.   I love them, and look forward to their blooming every year.  They only bloom for a short time, so we have to enjoy them while we can!

This morning I saw the first of them starting to bloom on the way to work. :)


NOW it is Spring.....


  1. Very pretty and such a lovely colour. Is it lilacs that it's supposed to be unlucky to bring indoors? An old wives tale I know, but just curious and wonder why!

    1. I'd never heard that before! It looks like it originated because Lilacs were once used at funerals...they definitely don't have that association in this part of the world though.

      In my family, we usually let them be outside (and take pictures), but if we find one on public property, we bring in a single sprig of lilac indoors to enjoy. :)

    2. That's it, I remember now, you're right, it's the assocation with funerals! LOL. Old wives tales!!! Funny how they are something that gets passed from one generation to another, I bet it was my mum who told me that, I'll have to ask her when I speak with her next!!

    3. I love old wives tales! It's always neat to try to find the reason behind them. :D

  2. Yay spring! It seemed to take forever to get started and now is whizzing by so fast it seems like summer is here already.
    Our standard lilacs are blooming now too but we'll have a second round with the Korean lilacs, since those will bloom in about two weeks. We leave ours outside as well -- mostly because the smell can be overwhelming and dh and dd are allergy sensitive -- but I'd never heard of an unlucky reason why one should. Interesting...

    P.S. Thanks for the info on patterns! Adams Harris is on break and Own World doesn't seem to be updating, so I tried a simple tunic with mixed results. I think I'll go sew some kid's shorts and work out the sewing gremlins in a more reasonable size ;)

    1. I didn't even know about Korean Lilacs, that's neat! And extends your Lilac season.... :D

      Np on the pattern info; if it were tops and dresses you were looking for, I'd say go with Melancholywings's free patterns, but there's not as much out there for pants/overalls. Hopefully either Adams Harris or My Own Little World will re-open soon. (Sometimes DDE has My Own Little World patterns even when the etsy store doesn't, but not always...)

  3. I love lilacs also but unfortunately mine has already lost its flowers... What a beautiful picture you made. Best regards from France.

    1. Thanks! All our plants are a bit behind this year, due to the extended winter. They're making up for lost time now, though! :D
