Sunday, June 8, 2014

Playing School...

While I was out today, I found this perfectly adorable little chalkboard/whiteboard combination at Michaels (Craft store), that was just perfect for Emily!


In other news, I have typed up the "final" version of my Laceweight Top Down sweater for Littlefee pattern, so the next task is getting all the pictures taken to illustrate the steps.  I hope to get that done by the end of the month.  I'm really not a fast knitter, and there's lots going on this time of year.  LOL


  1. I love the picture you made with Emily and the realpuki ! Her clothes are so sweet ! I am looking forward to seeing your pattern ! Best regards from France. Stéphanie

    1. Thanks very much for the kind words, Stéphanie! :)

  2. Oh! I just saw that chalkboard yesterday! It does make a perfect prop for LFs. I have to be careful in Michael's or I'll usually come home with something for the resin kids. This time I picked up a birdcage for my RP Toki... sigh... I'm weak in the face of mini fun...

    I'm excited to see your laceweight sweater too. No pressure, just some encouragement :)

    1. Aren't they great! Michael's is evil. I made it out of there with the chalkboard after managing to escape the partitioned crate that would have made better "craft room" shelves for Claire... LOL So tempting.

      They always do seem to have really neat birdcages and mini stuff!

      Thanks for the kind words about the sweater pattern! :)

    2. Ok, now I'm curious which crate, lol!

    3. LOL They were in the wood section, basically a deep tray with dividers. Stood on its side, it would have made nice deep shelves, perfect for holding the mini boxes from staples, full of supplies...

      Of course, then I also would have needed to buy paint, because I'd want to paint it. Probably a good thing I escaped without it! ;)

  3. Probably -- but at least you know it's there in case you do need it. :)

  4. Oh that is very cute and the perfect size for Emily! I love her outfit too, the pink and black is really lovely on her!
    Hugs Sharon xx

    1. Thanks! If I remember correctly, that dress was made from an old pair of pajamas! LOL
