Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Really Neat Tutorial Site

Dollhouse Miniature Furniture Tutorials

This is for 1/12 scale stuff, but it has really neat ideas that could be adapted to any scale I think.   I found it when looking for ideas for my new project.  I'm making a roughly 1/6 scale roombox, that will fit on a shelf of one of the bookcases. 

So far my foamcore walls are not looking so great, but I'm consoling myself with the idea that it is supposed to look like a run down old attic to begin with.  ;)   This is what I call a "slow project", which means it will take who knows how long to get it to it's "initial" state, and then will continue to evolve over time.

In this case, the room is meant to look all ratty and abandoned at the start, and over time transform into something more neat and tidy.   I really like this site though; it's given me lots of ideas!


  1. What a great resource - thanks for sharing the link!

    1. It's got some really neat ideas, doesn't it! :D

  2. Wow that really is a great site, some people are very imaginative!
    I wish you well with your attic and look forward to seeing it in the future!
    hugs Sharon xx

    1. I don't know how they think of even half these things, but I'm glad they do! :)

      We'll see how the attic goes....sometimes with "slow" projects it takes me years to get anywhere on them. LOL

  3. Thanks for sharing that link!

    I am looking forward to seeing how your room box is coming along. I really love the one you use in your photos at the moment. Always has an atmosphere of a "living" room, one that you could find out here in the world!

    1. Thanks! Claire et al will be continuing to use their usual set, but I wanted to try something a little different. :)

      The site has some very creative ideas! :D
