Monday, October 27, 2014

BJD Marketing - Dude, they are really GOOD at it.

Fairyland is having a Halloween Event....and they're offering the Minifee and Littlefee in TAN.  I have long coveted a Minifee Moe line Celine, and I've wanted a tan Littlefee Luna since before they existed.  The two of those together?  Would get me the wings out of the Event Gifts.

I love those wings.  I looked at them and instantly realized my imaginary tan Littlefee Luna is a little Gargoyle!

See what happened there?   Three things:

1)  Scarcity:   They only offer dolls in tan occasionally, so if you don't order during that period, there is no guarantee you'll find the doll you want on the secondary market.

2) Special Event:  If you order now, you get something free!  (I love free stuff.  Seriously, even free stuff I have no use for can make a day exciting.  I think this might be a character flaw.)

3)  Limited Time:  They don't give a lot of notice of upcoming events, and they are generally not of a long duration.   In this case, they put a note up on the site about it on October 16th, and the event goes from October 24 till November 16.   So, no time to plan for making a purchase, and not a long amount of time to dither over it.  It's "Act now, or lose!"

These things totally work on me.  I'm so careful with my budget normally, but the events almost always send me into a flurry of putting things in the shopping cart, and peering at the budget, and gleefully making up the start of characters and stories and planning wardrobes....

In this case, I won't be buying the two dolls I want.  As much as I'd like them, they are not in the budget, and I like the budget!

So I'll just be over here, admiring Fairyland's marketing strategy....   ;)


  1. Ooo, you had me there, thinking you were going to go for it!

    You're smart to say no. I'm contemplating a split for the LTF steampunk wings -- those are what I really want out of this event and it's cheaper to split than buy another doll I don't really want just to get them. I'm trying to be more selective.

    If only I had same resolve when it comes to the new Secretdoll release.

    sigh... Honestly, I should be buying holiday presents (which does not include gifts for ME!) :) ....

    1. Oh don't get me wrong, I still want to go right ahead and buy them! LOL

      I love the LTF steamppunk wings! A split is a great way to get them. :D

      As to the Secretdolls, haven't you heard? Willpower is a finite you can't possibly resist everything, right? LOL Which one are you getting? The little Circus performers are so adorable....

    2. Well, no split for me, it fell through, but that's for the best, right?

      The Circus Person 04 has the best outfit. Ever. but I'll likely go for the tan 08 if I get one.

      And I've just gotten notice the there's an irrealdoll Ino release this weekend as well.

      Will they just stop! Please. I can't take it anymore... :)

    3. LOL Too. Many. Events!

      Sorry to hear about the wings - maybe they will come up on the Marketplace, though, and you can grab them then!

      I like Circus Person 08's cute! :)

  2. I know exactly what you mean by special events.

    Lucky for me, when they happen, I never seem to have the money to purchase so I am usually pretty safe but at the moment, I have saved up money and a few special events I am eyeballing at the moment look very tempting. However, I have to keep reminding myself that I shouldn't just buy because it's a special event. I have to really love the doll in question. And that tends to do it for me ... most times.

    But I have to admit, tan resin from Fairyland sounds pretty tempting. I do like how their tan looks in the photos I have seen.

    But like you, I will sit back and admire from afar.

    1. There seem to be quite a few special events going on right now! Sounds like you've got a good system for resisting the temptation. :)

      The Fairyland Tan does look really nice.....but I can resist.

      Barely. ;)

  3. Thanks very much for the kind words! I like the sentiment you express in your blog about doll-collecting. :)
