Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thank You Canada Post!

Canada Post is running all sorts of crazy shifts right now, trying to keep up with all the parcels.  What that means is that I got my BJD cat last night!

However that also means they called up after I'd gone to bed, so I had to get up, get dressed, get the package, open the cat, admire the cat, and then go back to bed.  LOL  So no pictures yet!

However, I'm really very pleased with it!  First off, the package was marked down, and there were no customs charges.  Since I had planned for a hefty customs fee, it's like magically getting money back into my budget! LOL

I haven't actually held anything that was 3-D printed before, and it is interesting stuff.   The cat is quite light, and the surface has almost a papery texture.  It doesn't feel delicate though;  I'd say it is just as sturdy as Flake, my RealPuki!

It came well packaged, and it also came with two tiny cat toys and a water-or-food dish!  It is seriously cute.   I played around with the posing a little last night and this morning, and it holds a pose extremely well.  I almost brought her to work with me, but decided it would be hard to work when I could be playing with the posing some more. ;)

So long as I'm home while it is still light today, I will be getting some pictures!  I'm still thinking about the name, but I'm leaning towards Edith.  Because she kind of looks like an Edith to me.


P.S.  Claire's body has shipped from Denver Doll Emporium!   At this time in December, it will either get here really promptly, due to the US and Canadian Postal Service pulling out all the stops to get people's purchases to them for Christmas....or it'll get lost in the truly overwhelming volume they are dealing with and show up in January.   Either way, I'm so happy to know it is on its way.  This is obviously a very good week!

P.P.S.  Aren't these printable Gingerbread Houses cute?  So much easier than the real thing!


  1. Hey, it's a banner week for you!
    I know from experience that the noble Canadian SnowPlow Driver works all sorts of crazy long hours at this time of year and now I know to add the noble Canada Post Wo/Man to that dedicated list. Our USPS postman will double back around if he sees a package come in after delivery (especially to a house with children) -- he is so awesome.
    So -- how's the size??? Does she fit in alright?

    1. Your postman sounds great! That's a lovely thing for him to do. :D

      I didn't have a chance last night or this morning to get out the dolls to verify, but just looking, I think the cat looks pretty much perfect, size wise. I'm definitely getting them all out to see how she looks with them when I get home today!

  2. Yeaaah great news on Claires body and the little cat! I admit that I didn't realise the cat was one that was made using a 3D printer....amazing! I'm also amazed at how late your postal workers are working!!!!!
    Thank you also for the link to the Gingerbread houses, I'm going to try to make time to print some off for my dolls to make!

    1. It's amazing what they can do with the 3D printers these days...Another ten years and they might be down to a price where we can all have one to make tiny thing! LOL

      I'm going to make up some of those houses today as well, with my niece! They look like they should be a good doll size. :)
