Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Interesting Things

1.  This artist did the most spectacular job painting some of the BJD cats.  Seriously amazing work! She added WHISKERS.  More pictures here.

2.  Daniel Bingham's got some patterns for 16 inch fashion dolls on Etsy, which I think might work for Minifee.  I have my eye on this sweater for sometime in the future.

3.  I really love these boots for Minifee that Atelier Momoni made.  They would definitely suit Claire.


  1. Oh my bob, those cats are awesome! Hmm, my dh "collects" all the whiskers he finds -- I tease him he's preparing for cloning the cat -- hmm, now there could be a use for them...

    Awesome boots too and potential knitwear. Oh all right, I might as well order that MSD body for my Yumi & Dami heads... :)

    1. Aren't they amazing?!! LOL And see, now you are all set, if your cat should need whiskers; he was just thinking ahead!

      Only one body? ;D

  2. The cardigan pattern is very beautiful! The cats are fabulous, what a great job done, the pictures are just to cute! This person is a great artist. Great post, thanks for the sharing!

    1. Didn't the artist do an amazing job?! I was so amazed at how life-like they looked. :)

  3. You're not wrong, those cats are painted soooo well!! And whiskers, my goodness she must have the patience of a saint...I wonder how she gets them to stay on? Maybe she makes a pin hole in the cat and then pushes each whisker in with a tiny bit of white glue on the end....that might work. I do love the different patterned cats though, are you going to have a go at doing your cat?
    The cardigan is lovely, I think Claire will love it when you make one for her.
    And yes those are great boots, very realistic and look well made!

    1. It really must have taken a lot of patience to get all that detail, especially the whiskers! I'm happy with Edith as she is, and will settle for admiring the gorgeous work done on these! :D

      I'm obsessed with Claire's wardrobe this year - probably because what she does have is hit or miss for fit, and doesn't particularly go together. LOL But she definitely needs boots and a grey cardigan that fits better than the one she has!
