Sunday, November 23, 2014

Parker's Attic

Otherwise known as the Very Slow Project:


This is where I am so far.  Not far, as you can see!  I'm done her bed!  It was a little crate something came in, and I sewed (rather badly) a mattress for it, re-used a little pillow I'd sewn in the past, and her blanket is done now as well! :)

Today I printed out the Clock-Window, and cut the hole for it in the back wall.  It looks a bit weird right now because you can see the outside parts - that back wall will eventually hopefully be brick, and only the circular part of the clock face will show.  That's what the egg carton is for;  making the bricks!

The goal is to complete this project buying as little as I can. So far it is kind of fun trying to think of what I can re-use to create the items I want.


I'm really pleased with the way the Curio thread from Knitpicks worked out for Parker's blanket, it's very light and crisp, and has a pretty good "drape" to it.  It's usually intended for use with crochet, rather than knitting.

Parker herself is still a work-in-progress, so she won't be appearing in photographs just yet...


  1. Oh my gosh, this is amazing. I hope you can post more of your progress. I love seeing how this is developing and reading about what you are upcycling (is that the word?) for it.

    My local craft store sells those little wooden bits already cut and I had thought about using them as wooden floors a while back myself and staining them. It's good to see they look great put together like that.

    The walls, are they cardboard or very thin wood? I'm sorry, I can't remember if I've asked you this before.

    I bought some very thin wood to cut to size but I am not sure if I will paint it or try and find some scrapbooking paper to use as wallpaper - although I don't think they are quite tall enough to use for any dolls higher than 27cm ...

    1. Thanks for the kind words! The walls for this are a thin foamcore - wood would definitely be better!

      This room would be too short for an MSD, but will work well for Parker, who is only 15cm tall. :D Scrapbooking paper works awesome for wallpaper for tinies.

      I hope you'll post pictures, if you go ahead with it; I love to see the creative things other people come up with! :D

  2. This is so cool!
    I'm wondering though, am I missing something? Who is Parker?

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Jordy!

      You haven't missed anything, Parker hasn't appeared anywhere yet. I picked up a doll second hand a while back, and I'm still working on getting her "look" right. So she hasn't been in any pictures yet! :D
