Monday, November 23, 2015

Wishing and hoping...

So I'm very excited about Kipling and Cairo getting new, taller bodies  (if you can't tell), but I'm also really excited about my RealFee Mari.

I won't be starting on her wardrobe at all until she gets here.   I'm trying not to get too specific in my plans for her (that never works for me with a new character), but I'm thinking she'll be a little sprite or pixie of some sort.  I don't actually want to mix her in with the other dolls, I'd like to keep her separate.

For photographing her, I'd like her to actually be the tiny size she is in real life, but wandering amongst regular human-sized backgrounds.  If you, like  me, are very old, think Fraggle Rock, whenever the Fraggles ventured into the human world.  ;)  As much fun as it is to try to photograph the others with everything reasonably to scale, I think it would be fun to have one who is just completely out of place, wandering around bringing a bit of magic to the everyday world.

I was pinning ideas for clothing for her - she seems to have a very mori, vagabond-ish-type look. We'll see how it plays out when she arrives.  Sometimes all your plans go right out the window when a doll arrives.

I've mostly given up naming them before they get here, though I love to come up with possible names while I wait.  I can never decide on one, though, till they have "their" look in place.

Right now though, I'm leaning strangely to "Marie".......Or maybe Cairn?  I've always liked the name Sylvie, and that would be a good one for a little nature spirit.    Mims is cute, but then Akili is such a pretty name.  Meep?  Mouse?  Oh!!!  Minerva!  That would be awfully cute...and yet a good big name to grow into.  ;)

Ah, but she will be whomever she is in the end.  I can't wait to find out!


  1. Oh I love the Pinterest board you have set up for Mari! It's very similar to the one I put together for my Soso -- there must be something about Realfees and Mori, lol! I think they're tall enough for that style to work but still chibi cute.

    Sylvie would be a great name if you plan on keeping her water associated, Mouse is awfully cute too... yes, best to wait until she arrives and you get a feel for her... less arguments that way ;)

    1. LOL The Realfee must just be particularly suited to it!

  2. I always love it when dolls are photographed in the real world environment. It makes me think of The Borrowers. The little people who live unseen by the humans. It's kinda neat.

    All lovely names. Minerva was on my list for one of my tinies too at one point but ended up going with bird names instead. No idea why. Seemed like a good idea at the time!

    1. They seem to just refuse perfectly good names in favour of ones they like... LOL

  3. I'm never good with naming or imagining what a new doll will be like until they arrive, I try but more often than not it really doesn't work. I do like the pin board you've put together though, I hope it works for her. I look forward to seeing her here on your blog :)

    1. Any time I've tried to nail down things like names ahead of time, it just hasn't worked out. LOL But the surprise is part of the fun!
