Sunday, January 10, 2016

Liebster Award

I was tagged for this by the ever-kind AlasseCarnesir. 

The rules:
1. Thank the person who presented you the award and link back to their blog.
2. Post the award image on your blog.
3. Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter.
4. Nominate 5-11 blogs with less than 200 followers.
5. Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer.
6. List these rules in your post.
7. Inform the people you chose of their nomination by leaving a comment on their blog and link them your post.

The Questions:

1.What drew you to the hobby?

I have always loved dolls.  I can't remember how I came across the Lati Yellow doslls now, but I my heart was stolen away by a winter tan Lati Yellow Lami.   I thought I could make clothes for her, and photograph her, and she had a very elaborate backstory before she even came home.  She satisfied multiple hobbies, and I knew I'd be perfectly satisfied with just that one special doll.


2. What was your first doll? Why did you choose that one?

Lati Yellow Lami!   She was just exactly what I'd always wanted in a doll.  I was always frustrated with my dolls as a child because they couldn't pose naturally, and here were these new BJDs (I'd only been familiar with the antique ball-jointed dolls) that could pose, and could be customized through different wigs and eyes to look however you wanted!

3. What was your 2015 doll regret?
I really did hope that Fairyland would bring back the Ruth minifee sculpt.  Even though I didn't enjoy sewing for Sebastian, I miss having him physically a part of the doll stories.  

4. Did you sell any dolls in 2015?

I didn't!  I have a few faceplates that should probably be sold (and now two pukifee bodies), but I really find selling horribly intimidating and stressful.  I probably should send them on to new homes this year. ;)

5. Do your doll characters have their own theme song?

Huh.  They don't, but now you have me wondering just what they would be.... !  I'm thinking the Mission Impossible theme song might be Kipling's!  LOL 

6. What style best describes your doll collection? (Fantasy, goth, punk etc.)

This is a hard one.  They live in a fantasy world, but it is very close to reality, and they tend to dress just like regular people, with their "style" variations probably being unnoticable to anyone but me.   They have very simple stories that are suitable, honestly, for children.  Can I say "storybook" style?  LOL

7. What sort of aesthetics do you look for in a doll?

I do seem to be drawn to the larger eyed dolls, which isn't a surprise if you'd ever seen my doodling.  My notebooks are full of faces like the little one on the right here:

Pages 5 and 6

I'm not otherwise drawn to exaggerated proportions I don't think.

I like sweet or kind or funny faces, without a lot of heavy makeup.  I'm not drawn to angry looking faces at all.   Reasonably realistic bodies that pose really well!

8. Have you built or plan to build any dioramas for your dolls?

I have the Forest Hill sets, though I didn't make much of that.  Parker's attic is one I was working on last year, but when I had to re-do the wall and I got busy at work, it rather fell by the wayside.  I've got the new "bricks" all cut out, and the floor was finished;  I'd like to get back to it this year.

9. What is your 2016 doll wishlist?

If I got a chance to replace Sebastian I would, but otherwise I think I'm good!  I just got my Realfee Mari before Christmas, along with the bodies for Kipling and Cairo.  :)

10. Do you have a 'fantasy' wishlist? (ie. dolls that you will never own unless you won lotto etc.)

If I won the lottery?  I'd pick up a whole bunch of tanned Fairyland dolls, setting up a whole new family to bring into the Dollverse.  Minifee (2 boys, 1 girl), Minifee Moe girl, Littlefee Luna, and Littlefee Baby Ruru!  LOL  

I've neither the money nor the room for that kind of increase in numbers though, nor enough time to  spend on that many.  It is just a fun daydream.

11. What do you love most about the hobby?

I love so many things about it!  I love that I get to interact with so many kind and creative people... I just plain love that there are other people out there who also love dolls!  

I really enjoy making things and photographing the dolls.  I love getting to share the doll's simple stories or slices-of-their-fictional-lives.  I love that there is a place for that even amidst the much more elaborate and interesting stories people are telling about/with their dolls.

I adore seeing the incredibly awesome things other people in the hobby are making - the amazing seamstresses, the set-designers (I mean, have you seen Shannon's kitchen?? ), the fantastic stories...  There is always something new to admire, or learn.  :)

I'm tagging:

So many of you have been tagged, that I fear I'd be double-tagging you.  So I'm opening this up to any of you:  If you'd like to be tagged, please consider yourself tagged!

My Questions:

1.  What do you feel is the best-designed doll out there (based on your own personal preferences) and why?
2.  Has this hobby taught you any new skills?
3.  Do your dolls all have backstories?
4.  What are your Doll Plans for 2016?
5.  If your dolls could talk, what would be their chief complaint?
6.  Which of your dolls have you had the longest?
7.  If you could wave a wand and have one thing for your dolls (a set, an outfit, furniture, props, wig....etc) magically created and in your possession for free, what would it be?
8.  How do you decide on names for your dolls?
9.  Are your dolls cataloged and insured in case of a disaster?
10.  Do you have a favourite doll?  If so, why that one?
11.  Why did you choose to be involved in the doll hobby?

Hope you have as much fun as I did! :)


  1. It was lovely to read your answers, I do enjoy learning more about my fellow doll collectors and seeing what makes them tick.
    You have a lovely bunch of girls and I love their little stories and seeing what you do with and make for them.

    1. Thanks! These are a lot of fun, aren't they! :D

  2. I'm glad you were able to answer these!

    I hope Fairyland do re-release the Ruth sculpt for you this year. I am curious what the hold up is.

    You can definitely create a Storybook style! Thank you for sharing those drawings too. I really love how whimsical they are. Very storybook feel to them!

    Your dioramas are always so amazing. They inspire me to try and create my own!

    I have to agree with you there, knowing there are others into the doll collecting hobby makes me feel a little less alone!

    1. Thanks for the kind words! It is really nice to find other people who share your interests, isn't it! :D
